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Beans and rice with seafood in red bowl

Beans and Rice Recipe

Spring is finally here and I'm getting excited for some lighter seasonal foods. This is a great recipe that works with any type of meat or all by itself. I usually like to pair the dish with grilled or sautéed seafood or grilled chicken marinated in curry. Whenever legumes like kidney beans are paired with grains like rice, wheat, or…

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Hot mulled apple cider in black crock pot with white serif type overlaying

Hot Mulled Apple Cider

How is apple cider made? Per Wikipedia: Cider used to be a laborious process involving a trough fashioned from stone or wood and a circulating wheel to crush the apples. A large manual screw-press was used to express the juice from the pulp. Straw was commonly used to contain the pulp during pressing, later replaced by coarse cloth. The Palmer…

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White pills in shape of a frowny face

The FDA and the pharmaceutical industry

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA). FDA approval does not mean a product is safe and has been verified as such by the FDA. The FDA does NOT perform any type of independent studies on products that are submitted for approval. They rely on the people or entity submitting the food or drug for approval to provide that information to…

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Photo of processed food

A brief history of processed food since World War II

We used to eat real food. Before World War II we ate virtually no processed food. We had food preservation methods like canning, freezing, dehydration, fermenting, etc, but nothing like the frankinfood we have today. Processed food came about because we needed to feed the Army, Marines, Navy, Airmen, military staff, and anyone else tasked with leaving the United States…

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